Acuerdos con Universidades Nacionales

El colegio ha logrado establecer convenios universitarios con prestigiosas universidades privadas de Buenos Aires para que los alumnos recibidos en St George’s se “eximan” de realizar el Módulo Formativo (curso de ingreso) en algunas o todas las materias, con ingreso directo, y hasta concursar por Becas Educativas parciales o totales, ya que consideran de un alto nivel académico los contenidos de los Programas Especiales Bilingües Nacionales e Internacionales (IGCSE – BI) de nuestro Colegio, como la preparación, responsabilidad y conocimientos generales de nuestros alumnos.

Estos convenios son:

University Benefit Conditions
UdeSA Direct entry Average equal to or greater than 8 in the 3 years prior to the last year of schoolin
5 prizes of 20% discount For the 5 students with the best average (calculated in the last 4 years of schooling)
Di Tella Full direct entry Average equal to or greater than 8 (eight) in the last 4 years completed at secondary level
31 points or more in the IB. (Predictive notes can be submitted)
Exemption of one or both of the following subjects from the entrance course Subject Writing:
IB Spanish Literature (HL: 4 / SL: 5)
● Subject Mathematics:
IB Mathematics (SL: 5)
● Subject Social Dilemmas:
IB TOK (A or B)
Best Average Scholarship of up to 50% For the 3 students with the best average (calculated in the last 4 years of schooling)
Merit Scholarship up to 20 %. Average equal to or greater than 8 (eight) in the last 4 years completed at secondary level
Scholarship for Digital Technology career of up to 20% Average greater than or equal to 8 in mathematics, physics and chemistry in the last 4 years completed at secondary level
ITBA ITBA – IB Agreement
Subjects of the entrance course considered approved
School of Engineering.
IB Mathematics (HL: 5)
IB Physics (HL: 5)
IB Chemical (HL: 5)
IB Mathematics (HL: 5)
Universidad Austral Direct entry Average of 8 (eight) points or more throughout secondary school and up to the last quarter before the application date.
Have completed the last 3 (three) years of secondary school at the same school.
Attend an interview with a Director and/or Teacher of the degree course designated by the Council of each Academic Unit (**) to which he/she is admitted in order to evaluate vocational aspects, expression capacity, reasoning and other aptitudes of the applicant.
Honorary scholarship of up to 50%. For the 5 students with the best average (calculated in the last 4 years of schooling) and accredit an average of 8 (eight) points or more throughout secondary school and up to the last quarter before the application date.
UCA Direct entry Average 8.5 in the last 3 years of
Merit Scholarship (50%) For the 3 students with the best average in the last 4 years of schooling, who apply to UCA (considering average and general contribution to the overall life of the school)
25% Scholarship For 2 students whose average is equal or superior to 8 points between the last three years of the Intermediate Level and who have an outstanding general concept according to the criteria of the presenting Institution.
UCEMA Direct entry Average greater than or equal to 8 points in the last three years of secondary school, studied at the same institution.
For students who have obtained a C or more in Mathematics IGCSE from Cambridge International (for all UCEMA degrees with the exception of the Law degree in which case they must comply with a leveling requirement related to text comprehension).
50% Scholarship For flag bearers and escorts.
Global Citizen Scholarship of 25% and direct entry For students who score 35 points or more on the IB Diploma
Universidad de Belgrano Direct entry For students who score 27 points or more on the IB Diploma.

Asesoría y Aplicaciones a Universidades Extranjeras

Para aquellos alumnos que deciden explorar la posibilidad de estudiar en el exterior la escuela brinda:

  • Asesoría sobre el proceso de aplicación y requisitos de admisión a universidades extranjeras.
  • Acompañamiento para los requerimientos que forman parte del proceso de aplicación: redacción de cartas de recomendación, datos sobre el perfil del Colegio, entre otros requisitos (Common app, UCAS, u otros sistemas).
  • Envío de certificados analíticos a Universidades.
  • Asesoría sobre requisitos de admisión.

Convenio con Universidades en Estados Unidos (IAU)

St George’s College North ha establecido un acuerdo con International University Alliance (IUA).

La IUA es una red de universidades de primer nivel en los Estados Unidos, que se han unido para construir relaciones internacionales sólidas, basadas en el compromiso compartido con la excelencia y la creación de nuevas oportunidades para los estudiantes de todo el mundo.

IUA es una organización sin fines de lucro que brinda numerosos beneficios para nuestros estudiantes, incluyendo el asesoramiento durante el proceso de inscripción a las universidades, creado especialmente para candidatos internacionales y programas de seguimiento que respaldan su desempeño durante sus años de estudio allí.


La Lic. Mercedes Quarneti es la Consejera de Universidades designada. Ella está disponible para consulta tanto por padres como por estudiantes en