Board of Governors

Both St George’s College Quilmes and St George’s College North are run by the Asociación de Beneficencia Dotal San Jorge, a non-profit civil association. Every second year, at the annual meeting in April, the trustees elect a Board of Governors of 9 to 13 members. All members of the Board serve in an honorary capacity. Monthly Board meetings determine the main lines of the school’s policy. The Headmaster, an ex-officio non-voting member of the Board of Governors, together with the Administrative Manager, are delegated the responsibility of executing the Board policies at St George’s College. The school is divided into three sections: Kindergarten, Prep School and College, each led by a Head. The Heads of Section are regularly invited to report on the latest developments in their sectors and to discuss future academic policies together.

Executive Structure

The Headmaster of St George’s College is responsible to the Chairman of the Board of Governors. The respective Heads of the three Sections are responsible to the Headmaster. The College shares a central administration with St George’s College North.
The educational management structure of St George’s College is illustrated in the diagram below: